Alabama's Official RenFaire

Alabama Renaissance Faire
Photography Contest
2024 Photography Contest
2024 Winning Photos are marked with
the blue ribbons on the video.
2025 Guidelines will be posted in October!
2024 Photography Contest Guidelines
Calling all photographers!
Your Photos of the Alabama Renaissance Faire
May Appear on our Website and Social Media!
The Alabama Renaissance Faire is thrilled to announce our 5th annual photography contest, open to both professionals and amateurs. We're looking for photos that capture the essence of the Alabama Renaissance Feast and Faire. So grab your camera and head on over to the faire to snap some amazing shots! Winning photos will be featured on our media platforms, in magazines and newspapers, and will become part of our official Royal Archives. Plus, winners will receive a certificate their photos will be showcased in our official publicity packages. Don't miss out on this incredible to showcase your talent!
The Alabama Renaissance Faire sponsors an annual photography contest. Professional and amateur artists may apply.
The winning photo in each category is selected based on the image's ability to reflect on the relevance of the Alabama Renaissance Feast and Faire.
Photos must be taken at the Alabama Renaissance Feast and Faire. Photos from prior years may be submitted in the Classic Category (please note the year, if known). The original photographer must be credited.
Winning photos will be selected using a double-blind method by impartial judges and will be published on our social media platforms, in magazines and newspapers, and will become part of our official Royal Archives. Winners will be awarded a certificate and their photos will be featured in our official publicity packages and on our social media platforms.
Rules for Submission of Entries
1. The entry must be from the current year of the Alabama Renaissance Feast or Faire, unless entered into the Classic category. ​
2. The entry must be submitted by e-mail to director@thealrenfaire.org with Photo Contest Entry in the subject line.
3. Entries must be submitted in a .jpg format.
4. The following information must be included in the e-mail:
The Category entered: Feast, Portrait, Action, Scenic, Artistic, Classic. The Classic category is for photos from earlier years only; please include year if known. Other categories are for photos from current year only.
The Division entered: Professional or Amateur.
The name of the original photographer. Please do not submit photos without the permission of the photographer.
The identities of those photographed, if known.
5. Each entrant may submit only 5 total photos over all categories. For example, the photographer may enter 5 photos in 1 category or may enter 1 photo in each of 5 categories, as long as the total number of entries do not exceed 5.
6. If more than 5 photographs are entered the result will be the disqualification of all entries from that individual.
7. Deadline for submissions will be November 15, 2024.
8. A panel of judges will make the final determination of the winning entry based on artistic merit and suitability as a visual image for the Alabama Renaissance Feast or Faire. Winners will be notified by e-mail.
9. All contest photo entries become the property of the Alabama Renaissance Faire. Upon entry, the photographer grants the faire full rights to publish for any and all purposes, commercial, promotional, or otherwise.